The following post represents a public statement made by Steven Rosenblum, Old Town resident, who has requested that it be shared with the Old Town Clayton community:
"I want to commend the board of Aldermen and the Board of Education for this joint meeting. It is wonderful to see the bonds between these two important political boards being strengthened. First, I want to offer genuine thanks for use of the community garden which continues to be an incredibly successful effort and one that many residents would like to see become permanent.
As most of you know, the Maryland School remains a very popular green space—on any given day you will find some of the following activities going on: fitness boot camps, gardening, basketball, bike riding, dogs and owners enjoying the open space and kids playing on what is left of the play structures. This constant use underscores the need for such an area in this part of the City We have recently heard and will hear more tonight about numerous new multifamily housing projects that are proposed or ready to be proposed within the city of Clayton. My informal calculations total approximately 950 units that will be before the city in the coming months. Within a block of the Maryland School there are plans afoot for more than 500 units all of which are zoned for such use.
For many years, concerned citizens from throughout Clayton have expressed their hope that the City will follow its land use plans, Clayton Century Foundation priorities, and C the Future goals, Parks and Recreation recommendations and zoning ordinances to keep this area green. Unwanted, unlawful, and unneeded construction on this property would be a terrible precedent to set and would result in much unrest throughout the community.
We all need to work together to create great things and the opportunity to do this has never been more pressing than now. We urge both boards to work together to ensure that an equitable solution for this space be put in place and that it be done in a timely and open manner.
Thanks for your time and I hope that we can see some positive results for all involved soon." - Steven Rosenblum