Dear Old Town Clayton Neighborhood Association,
Please review the following email from Mr. Mosher informing me that Wednesday's meeting has been cancelled. Please inform anyone that might not be on our email distribution list. For those we can't reach, there will be a note posted on the Parish Hall door. As more information becomes available from Conrad Properties' developers, I will keep you informed.In other news, thanks to donations to our association, I have ordered 10 all-weather red and yellow signs for future neighborhood meetings. The signs will be posted around the neighborhood to alert you to visit our website for meeting details. See photo below. This is a visual improvement over our previously hand scrawled posters! The signs can be re-used so this is a green effort as well!
Thanks and Regards,
Cheryl Verde
President, Old Town Clayton Neighborhood Association

Dear Ms. Verde,
I am very sorry to report that due to market conditions, we are putting this plan on hold. We will try to keep you in the loop as we determine our best course of action regarding the site.
Thank you so much for your time.
Bryce Mosher Project Manager Conrad Properties Corporation bryce@conradprop.com165 N Meramec Ave, Suite 400 Clayton, MO 63105 314 721 3202 d 314 446 3023 f 314 721 2154