November 11, 2011
Clayton - Green Power Community Challenge
To thank you for your support, any Clayton resident that enrolls online or over the phone between now and December 31st will receive a free, anytime Wehrenberg Movie Ticket in the mail.
There are two ways to support green power: install solar on your home or business or enroll in a voluntary green power program. For details or to enroll, send your name, Ameren Missouri billing address and phone number to Clayton's GPC leader Cindy Bambini at
November 4, 2011
Invitation to participate in a research study
Dr. Jenn Ohs and
her research team at St. Louis University are conducting a study to examine
hiring preferences. The study includes a short video depicting a job interview
followed by a short questionnaire. At the end of the survey, participants can
enter a drawing to win a $50 giftcard to either Target or Best Buy. Here is the
link to the online survey:
November 17th - CCF History Lecture
St. Louis County Historian, Esley Hamilton,
will discuss the history of Clayton Churches and Synagogues and the surrounding
area on Thursday, November 17.
The free lecture on Tghursday, November 17th begins at 7:00 p.m. at The Center of Clayton.
Esley Hamilton, a preservation historian at
St. Louis County Department of Parks and Recreation and lecturer at Washington
University, is one of the region's most prominent historians. In May 2011,
Hamilton received the H. Meade Summers Award.
September 13, 2011
Reminder: Annual Meeting Tomorrow
PLEASE NOTE: The NORTH DOOR of the building is closed due to construction. Please enter the Parish Hall directly through the SOUTH DOOR, located off Maryland Avenue.
Wednesday, September 14th, 2011
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
St. Joseph’s Parish Hall
…Corner of N. Meramec and Maryland Avenue…
September 1, 2011
Wednesday, September 14th, 2011
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
St. Joseph’s Parish Hall
…Corner of N. Meramec and Maryland Avenue…
- TOUCHSTONES NECKLACE - designed by Jill Evans Petzall, this freshwater pearl collar necklace is not like your mother’s pearls! This necklace is made with coppery-bronze keshi pearls flecked with tourmaline gemstones and closed with a sturdy vermeil magnet clasp. Length 15 ½ inches. To see more of Jill’s jewelry designs, visit, or visit her at her home-studio. Price valued at: $200.
- STRAUB'S - $20 gift certificate
- ROBERT GOVERO HAIR SALON - Gift certificate for haircut, style, and blowdry wih Vince Santangelo - $55 value
- HANLEY HOUSE - Miscellaneous items
Our program will include Clayton updates from Mayor Linda Goldstein...City Manager Craig Owens... Ward III Aldermen, Steve Lichtenfeld and Mark Winings...Police Chief Tom Byrne....and Fire Chief Mark Thorp. There will be time allotted for questions following the end of presentations.
You and your family are encouraged to attend this special event to hear news that impacts Clayton and our Old Town neighborhood.
Exciting attendance prizes from local retailers will be awarded to some lucky attendees. Invite your neighbors! You don't want to miss this event!
July 19, 2011
Upcoming Events
June 24, 2011
Crime Alert from Judy Kekich, Clayton Communications Coordinator
Judy Kekich Communications Coordinator | 314.290.8473 · Fax 314.863.0295 · |
CITY OF CLAYTON - Administration 10 North Bemiston Avenue · Clayton, MO 63105 · |
OUR MISSION: To foster a vital, balanced community composed of outstanding neighborhoods, quality businesses, commercial and government centers, premier educational institutions, and a healthy natural environment through an open, accessible and fiscally responsible government. |
June 13, 2011
June 14th Board of Alderman Meeting - 7 PM - City Hall
There is a Clayton Board of Alderman meeting scheduled for tomorrow evening. There are two ordinance items on the agenda that may be of interest to residents of the Old Town neighborhood.
The 6/14/11 Board of Alderman Agenda link:
1. Ordinance – To approve a one-year extension of the rezoning for 25, 103, 111 & 119 N. Central Avenue. (Bill No. 6264) To consider an extension of the rezoning.
2. Ordinance – To approve a one-year extension of the Planned Unit Development for 25, 103, 111 & 119 N. Central Avenue. (Bill No. 6265) To consider an extension of the Planned Unit Development.
May 28, 2011
EVENT: Roberts S. Brookings Star on the Walk of Fame
To commemorate the unveiling of the Robert S. Brookings Star on the St. Louis Walk of Fame, Washington University will co-sponsor a lecture with the Clayton History Society.
May 16, 2011
Annual Old Town Neighborhood Association Meeting is scheduled
Wednesday, May 18 - "The Civil War Through the Eyes of the Hanley Family"
In honor of the Civil War Sesquicentennial, the presentation will look at the Civil War landscape of the community today known as Clayton, Missouri.
For this presentation, we will be in Oasis Room B which is located on the second floor of the Center of Clayton.
April 29, 2011
May 31 Application Deadline - Join Mayor's Youth Advisory Council

Applications are being accepted for the 2001-2012 Mayor's Youth Advisory Council. The MYAC is a collaboration between the City of Clayton and the Clayton School District. The program is designed to encourage high school students to become active in the community by participating in local government. The eleven high school juniors and seniors attend city commission meetings, meet with the mayor to discuss current issues, and work together on a community project.
Visit their website:
April 12, 2011
April 14 and April 30 - Hanley House Events
Public Forum: Hanley Park Outdoor Classroom
Thursday, April 14, 2011
7:00 pm Multi-purpose Room C
Center of Clayton
50 Gay Avenue
Clayton, MO 63105
The public is invited to a forum to review the proposed design for the Hanley Park Outdoor Classroom. The forum will begin at 7 p.m. in Meeting Room C at The Center. Architects from Kuhlmann Design Group will be on hand to present design plans and answer questions. For more information, contact Parks & Recreation Director Patty DeForrest at 314.290.8464 or
Hanley House Herb Sale
Saturday, April 30 in Hanley Park
9 a.m. to noon
Join us for the annual Historic Hanley House Herb Sale. This is your chance to buy your spring herbs and support the museum. Herbs sold for $4 each.
March 28, 2011
Reminders - Meet the Candidate Events
Tuesday, March 29th, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Center of Clayton location - Clayton Chamber of Commerce is hosting an Aldermanic / County Assessor's Forum event. It is a Brown Bag event - you may bring your lunch or purchase from the Subway located in the Center. This is an opportunity for you to meet and hear from the candidates. This event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP to the Chamber of Commerce if you plan to attend - call 726-3033 or email
This Thursday, March 31st, 7 p.m. at Clayton High School - The Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council will host the Evening with the Candidates event that will feature the Aldermanic and School Board candidates running in the April 5 election.
March 14, 2011
Ward III Candidates - Campaign Information
Election Day is Tuesday, April 5th and we must all prepare to choose one of three qualified candidates running for the seat vacated by outgoing Alderman Alex Berger. The candidates have supplied me with their contact information and related materials that they gave permission for distribution. Feel free to contact any or all of them with your comments or questions. Information regarding the three candidates below in alphabetical order are: Jim Holtzman Phone: 314-725-1631 Email: No on Campaign Brochure below: Steve Singer Phone: 314-727-2308 or 314-727-1605 Email: Campaign Website:
Mark Winings Phone: 314-725-9182 Email: Campaign Website: