The inaugural PARTY ON THE POINT event has been announced by St. Joseph's Church. Slated for Friday August 28th, from 5:00 pm - 10 pm., PARTY ON THE POINT will be a fundraiser to support outreach missions of St. Joseph Church, primarily Habitat for Humanity, in this first year of the event. For young adults and young at heart, PARTY ON THE POINT will bring together friends, neighbors, and fellow parishioners for music, great food, and lots of fun on the parking lots of the church. Information on ticket sales will be available next month.
Volunteers are needed for many jobs such as ticket sales, gates and supplies. Volunteering is a great way to meet people., make friends, have fun and serve a worthy cause. All volunteers will receive a reduced admission to the event and a t-shirt. If you are interested in becoming an event sponsor, please contact Meg Shuff at (312) 953-5973 or for more information.
June 18, 2009
PARTY ON THE POINT - Event Announcement - Call for Volunteers
June 15, 2009
Tonight - Important BOE Meeting - 7 pm
School District of Clayton
Monday, June 15, 2009 - 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Board of Education Meeting-CHS Library
Regular Business Meeting
Administrative Center
Contact Information:
Phone: 854-6017
Dear Old Town Clayton Neighbors,
The Clayton Board of Education has an agenda item to vote on at their upcoming meeting tonight - Monday, June 15, 2009 to declare the Maryland School property surplus and place it on the market for development. The following email was forwarded to me with an attachment. I have been asked to share this document with the Old Town residents for their review.
Lastly, if you know of any good potential candidates to elect to the School Board in the Old Town/Hanley Place/Clayton Gardens area, please let me know so I can pass that information along.
Thanks and Regards,
Cheryl Verde
President, Old Town Clayton Neighborhood Association
Dear Friends and Neighbors:
It appears that I have become an unofficial spokesman for a portion of Clayton due to my efforts to help preserve a much needed green space over the past year or so and due to the recent success of the Clayton Community Garden on the Maryland School site. The Board of Education has an agenda item to vote at their upcoming meeting on Monday, June 15, 2009 to declare this property surplus and place it on the market for development.
A group of approximately 40 Clayton residents provided insight and advice at a meeting earlier this week. The attached document represents their collective thoughts on the topic.
We also ask that you forward this attachment to other Clayton residents you know who are interested in preserving green and historic space within the City of Clayton. We will never get back land like this if it is sold and we urge you to help in our efforts to ask the Board of Education to review this proposal more closely.
Thanks for your time and interest.
Steven Rosenblum
The attachment:
Clayton Citizens for the Preservation of Neighborhood Schools
As residents of the City of Clayton we feel that a discussion regarding the sale of the Maryland and Bracken Buildings is premature and should be reviewed further before a vote is cast. We respectfully submit a request that the Board of Education members vote to table this proposed agenda item for the following reasons:
1) There needs to be a well conceived updated Master Plan for all of the facilities in the Clayton School District one that takes into account the Wydown and Maryland/Bracken properties in the current economic and political times
2) The economy and real estate markets are much different than they were three years ago when the Highest and Best Use for the Maryland School Property analysis was last done during the height of the real estate bubble as well as even a year and a half ago when the Properties and Partnerships Subcommittee prepared their report
3) There is an identified need for green space and park space within the City of Clayton that is currently met and could be maintained at this site especially considering the fact that it abuts the Historic Hanley House
4) There are numerous innovative educational uses that could be conceived for grades K-12 at this space including the teaching of real life skills such as finances, home economics and agriculture perhaps in conjunction with Hanley House
5) There may very well be a need for additional schools in the future as demographics change as evidenced by the current need to repurchase land in Ladue and other places around the country where properties which were deemed surplus at the time are now needed to house students
6) The buildings themselves have much historic value as prime examples of William Ittner’s work considering more than 35 of his schools are listed on the National Register of Historic Places
7) For more than 160 years this land has been an integral part of Clayton history first as part of the Hanley Farm then as a gift to the City 132 years ago and next as part of a land deal with the School District of Clayton 118 years ago and has housed a school on Maryland Avenue for 92 years
8) The field space, basketball courts and other athletic amenities at the site could and should be used by the School District
9) There is a continued threat of encroachment and erosion of this space by Washington University and other commercial uses into the neighborhoods of Clayton that is feared throughout the City
10) The Board of Education has a responsibility to represent the needs of this quadrant of Clayton by involving the neighbors in decision making regarding this property which predated the City and the neighborhood
11) Maryland Elementary School is a neighborhood school (defined as being within a child's walking distance, +/- 1/2 mile, from the home) just as are all the other Clayton elementary schools. Neighborhood school is one of the core concepts of the Clayton master plan. To eliminate the future access to and ownership of this facility in Old Town/Hanley Place/Clayton Garden would be a great and permanent loss for the whole City
June 9, 2009
June 2, 2009
Letter to Neighbors living near Bracken/Maryland Buildings

This information was sent to Old Town Clayton Neighborhood Association from:
Chris Tennill, APR
Chief Communications Officer
School District of Clayton
#2 Mark Twain Circle
Clayton, MO 63105
(314) 854-6015 Direct Line
(314) 803-8268 Cell Phone
(314) 854-6093 Fax
Old Town Events - June 6th and June 13th
Note from Sarah Umlauf to the Old Town Clayton Neighborhood Association:
Dear Friends,
I hope that many of you are planning on attending the History Hike with Esley Hamilton this coming Saturday, June 6th at 9 AM. We will meet at the east corner of Westmoreland and Jackson in Old Town. You may register for the tour by calling or going to the front desk at the Center of Clayton or you may also register online at:
Also, please plan on attending the Hanley House Ice Cream Social scheduled for Saturday, June 13th from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Attached you will find a flyer for the event. Please forward the flyer to your friends, family and coworkers. Who doesn't love ice cream on a Saturday afternoon?
If you are interested in volunteering for the event, we could use tour guides (the museum will be open for tours but no food or drink will be allowed) as well as helpers with our children's games and crafts.
If you would like to volunteer, please let me know what you would like to do and what times you would like help and I will send you either tour information or craft and game instructions.
Thank you everyone for your extra special support!!
Sarah Umlauf,
Community Resource Coordinator
City of Clayton
50 Gay Avenue
Clayton, MO 63105
Keeping History Alive!